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Mercy的英语系展示并授权了不同的观点. A foundational shared goal of each class is to teach every student to develop and use her voice, 清晰而有说服力地表达她的想法. 课程旨在激发学生对文学和讲故事的热爱, 以及对复杂性和细节的欣赏. 

Instruction and lessons are skills-based; where information is not directly provided and students are encouraged to discover the answers to their own questions. Inter-departmental alignment ensures that each English class builds off the foundation of the previous year’s curriculum and skills. 

Department Philosophy 

In support of the Mercy Mission Statement, the Mercy Burlingame English Department’s goal is to: 

  • inspire an appreciation of the rich history of the English language through the survey and analysis of a range of texts in order to foster creative and critical writing.
  • equip our students to read and write creatively and critically in a world of diverse cultural and literary traditions.
  • foster digital literacy in a changing society that requires adept information retrieval, research and communication.
  • promote the empowerment of women and multiculturalism (to stand in solidarity with diverse groups, 尤其是妇女和儿童),同时培养对文化的理解, ethical, cultural aesthetic, linguistic forces that shape our lives.
  • 鼓励独立思考、好奇心、批判性思维和解决问题.
  • teach students how to gather, analyze and communicate information effectively and appropriately in writing and speaking.

Department Objectives 

Mercy graduates will be able to: 


  • 提供清晰连贯的信息, argumentative, analytical, 以及叙事写作,这将适用于课堂之外.
  • 通过计划的过程发展和加强他们的写作, revising, editing, and rewriting.
  • Use the Internet responsibly for research, scholarship and the development of communication.
  • 在写作中产生一种令人信服和迷人的声音,需要被阅读.
  • 综合文本和体裁之间的各种主题  


  • Analyze the author’s literary and rhetorical strategies in fiction and nonfiction writing.
  • Determine the universal (central) ideas, literal and figurative meaning, 以及作者在文学和信息文本中的特定观点.
  • 评价作者在论证中的推理.
  • 欣赏经典作品,认识到封面之外的意义





  • 发起并参与一系列合作讨论.
  • Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, 推理和运用证据和修辞, identifying any fallacious reasoning.
  • Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
  • 获得加入和进一步对话的信心.
  • 听着学习,而不是等着轮到他们说话.


  • Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, 和互动元素),以加强对研究结果的理解, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
  • 整合以不同媒体或格式呈现的多种信息来源.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.

Meet Our English Department Chair
Alexandra Estrada 他是英语系的系主任,教世界文学. She moderates Mercy’s National English Honors Society chapter and its literary magazine, Mercy’s OutLIT. Ms. Estrada loves helping her students build critical thinking skills and encourages them to make connections between their course material and the world they experience. 每天教她新东西的学生给了她灵感.

Ms. 埃斯特拉达为自己是东海岸移民而自豪. Originally from New York, she started her teaching career in Brooklyn and has taught in Vietnam. When she’s not in the classroom, Ms. 埃斯特拉达喜欢旅行、远足、跑步、烘焙,当然还有阅读!

Ms. 埃斯特拉达拥有英语和修辞学学士学位, cum laude, with highest departmental honors from Bates College; an MA in Teaching English from Brooklyn College; and a California teaching credential in English. 她是哥伦比亚大学汉弗莱斯教育奖学金的获得者.

Classes Offered

English Department Goals

视频:英语2班(2020-2021 Shadow Day)


Student Literary Magazine